If I use "catkin_make" to build my workspace, and re-source my bashrc, then roslaunch is able to find my launch files and the nodes launch just fine.
If I do a "cakin clean -a" and a "cakin build," and re-source my bashrc, roslaunch can't autocomplete my launch files, or run any of the nodes in my workspace.
Here are the ROS related lines from my .bashrc:
export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
export ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros/indigo
export PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/bin:$PATH
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/ros/indigo/lib
The difference in my environment is only in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH variable:
with catkin tools ("catkin make"):
with catkin_make:
so catkin tools is appending ROS_PACKAGE_PATH with all of the subdirectories of my packages, rather than just the parent package. Is this just a bug in the newer "python-catkin-tools" catkin front-end? Anyone else running into this?
$ rospack profile
Full tree crawl took
0.018942 seconds. Directories marked with (*) contain no manifest. You may want to delete these directories. To get just of list of directories without manifests, re-run the profile with --zombie-only
0.015500 /opt/ros/indigo/share
0.001762 /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share
0.000158 * /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share/libautocalib
0.000139 * /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share/libplanview
0.000066 * /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share/bearvis
0.000042 * /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share/libautocalib/data
0.000027 * /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share/libdmd
0.000026 * /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share/libpdetect
0.000025 * /opt/ros/indigo/share/doc
0.000023 * /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share/libplanview/data
0.000023 * /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share/libbeardetect
0.000023 * /home/awagner/catkin_ws/install/share/libdepthio
0.000005 * /opt/ros/indigo/share/doc/liborocos-kdl
My version of catkin tools:
$ apt-cache show python-catkin-tools
Package: python-catkin-tools
Version: 0.3.0-1
I am running ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04